Meals & Celebrations


Library Minyan seeks to enrich our shabbt experience by providing a kiddush lunch after morning services on shabbat and some holidays. The basic kiddush is provided as part of our membership benefits, and includes our renowned veggie cholent.  In addition to the basic kiddush, members of the kahal who are celebrating a simcha are encouraged to sponsor or co-sponsor an enhanced kiddush.  For more information on types of kiddush and how to sponsor, see Kiddush Options below. Send any questions to

Kiddush Options

Read the details here.

Leading Kiddush

Kiddush is recited from the bimah at the end of services. Leading kiddush is one of the more accessible ways you can serve the minyan. Please contact any of the gabbaim if you would like to lead kiddush, or if you would like some help in learning how to lead kiddush.

 Kiddush committee

The kiddush committee seeks individuals interested in creative and inexpensive ways to enhance our kiddushim!  Please contact Kiddush Committee chairperson Jerry Krautman at to volunteer to help plan, shop, prepare and set up kiddushim or with any comments and suggestions that you might have.

of Temple Beth Am