Chair: Ben Richards, This committee works to keep the prayer experience relevant and meaningful, and plans High Holiday services.
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Social and Hospitality
Chair: Fran Grossman,, coordinates subcommittees for Chesed, Diaspora Potluck, Kiddush, and Ohel Patuach/ Open Tent.
Kiddush coordinator
Jerry Krautman,, helps arrange co-sponsored kiddushes in honor of birthdays, anniversaries, or yahrzeits. He can also advise on individually sponsored kiddushes for major events.
Ohel Patuach/Open Tent
Coordinator: Essia Cartoon-Fredman, , opens the tent of home hospitality for newcomers and others. If you’d like to share a Shabbat or holiday meal in the home of Library Minyan members, contact her to arrange a shidduch.
Chesed Coordinator
Chesed Committee supports Library Minyan members during the birth/adoption of a child, illness or death in the family. The coordinators are Lori Harrison and Sandra Braun. Please email them at (or whatever it is) if you or another member of our community needs assistance with meals.
D’var Torah
Coordinators: Susan Laemmle & Mickey Rosen,, know that everyone has at least one d’var Torah in them. We take pride in the range of people who offer Torah wisdom.
Haftarah chanting
Coordinator: Russell Cohen, encourages people to return to their Bat/Bar Mitzvah Haftarah or take on a new one.
Torah Reading
Coordinator: Stan Goldstein, Stan welcomes new and returning leyners for short and longer aliyot. The Library Minyan follows the Triennial Cycle.
Gabbaim & Coordinators Committee.
Current gabbaim are: Rachel Berwald, Howard Fredman, Norm Garr, Russell Cohen, Michael Shimansky and Daviod Noveseller. Contact them at Gabbaim recruit and guide those playing active roles in services, and arrange for aliyot and other honors. Individual gabbaim here.
Greeting Coordinator
Sandra Braun, Greeters stand near the Chapel door through Shacharit and welcome people arriving. Being greeter is a great way connect with other members.