Steering Committee 2014

Minutes of LM Steering Comm. 3/18/14

All committee chairs and Rosh were in attendance!

Pesach Services: Bob Braun presented plans for Pesach services that were developed jointly with the TBA ritual committee.  Each of the main TBA minyanim will organize/lead one service.  We will also ask each minyan to lead in a location other than its “home turf” in order to increase the joint feeling of each service.  LM will lead first day in the main sanctuary.  Shir Chadash and Bait Tefillah will lead second and seventh day services in the Dorff-Nelson Chapel.  Each minyan will have its own eight day service.

Prayer innovation:  Suggestions have been made to introduce some different prayers into the section concluding the torah service (prayers for govt, peace, Israel).  This would not be every week, but occasionally.  Sources are being sought.

Ritual comm:  Will invite all gabbaiim to its upcoming meeting.  They will discuss how to encourage wearing tallit and head covering by all called for aliyot., without making people uncomfortable.

After reviewing the results of previous meetings with Rabbi Kligfeld on vision for the future, the consensus was that we had explored possibilities sufficiently and should now focus on implementing some of them.

Attempts to invite Pico Egal and Shtibl minyan to join us occasionally do not seem likely to succeed.  It might be better to focus on some joint meetings with Bait Tefillah.

Seders: Michelle Wolf has volunteered to coordinate seder seekers and offerers for LM members this year.

Sandra Braun explained the role of the Communication comm. In coordinating information flow between LM and the wider congregation.  She will provide info on deadlines for bulletin, Ha’am, and email, and funnel info from comm. chairs to those.

Social action activities are picking up thanks to Dianne Shershow.  The PB&J sandwich making and delivery of kits to the homeless on Purim was a great success.  SOVA and Big Sunday events are coming up, and a talk on One LA.

Providing coffee and Danish prior to mishnah study was approved on a trial basis, pending confirmation of desire by the mishnah study group.

The group discussed how to increase child friendliness, noting we had made some progress from the past, and had excellent youth programs provided by TBA.  Suggestion to invite kids for Ein Kelohenu.  Maybe bring in kids for torah procession.  Youth comm. will consider further.

The Millers would like a full torah reading on June 14.  Approved if they can provide good readers and are willing to start at 9:30.  Action to gabbai (Howard Fredman) and Fran.

Discussion of whether to continue announcing birthdays and anniversaries once per month.  Possibly publishing in minyan monthly instead.  Decided no change.

Discussion of web site updates.  Possibly make it more friendly to mobile devices.  Talk with Bob about how much work, and don’t want to lose current content.  OK to show name as Library Minyan of Temple Beth Am.

Future SC meetings will be as follows:

Sunday, June 8, 7:30 pm.    Backup date Tuesday June 10, 7:30 pm

Sunday, Sept 7, 7:30 pm.    Backup date Tuesday Sept 9, 7:30 pm

Sunday, Dec 7, 7:30 pm.    Backup date Tuesday Dec 9, 7:30 pm

of Temple Beth Am