Steering Committee 2013

Minutes of Steering Committee Meeting 1-6-13

Present: Rachel Green, Larry Harris, Jerry Krautman , Susan Laemmle, Norm Saiger, Carl Sunshine, Scott Taryle, at the Taryles’ home. The meeting lasted about two and one half hours.

1. Members of Standing Committees: At Scott’s request, each of the Steering Committee members presented provided a list of the names of members volunteering on each of the committees they chair in order to get an overall picture of how many members are involved in committee work.

2. Finances: Larry Harris, Chair of the Finance Committee, presented a financial report showing Library Minyan donations and expenses and end of year balances for 2009 through 2012. The Minyan is starting 2013 with a balance of about $6000. Assuming we continue to receive donations, this should allow us to provide 6-8 cosponsored kiddushim during the year, plus the various other events like Shavuot picnic, Melaveh malka, and Purim seudah. It was suggested that the Treasurer or Finance Chair use software such as Quicken to track finances. (See Financial Report at end of minutes.)

3. Formation of Ad Hoc Facilities Committee. The Steering Committee discussed ongoing improvements to the shulchan and the aron kodesh, the building of a Torah stand, and possible rennovations to the Chapel (i.e. painting). It was decided that the Library Minyan should form a new Facilities Committee to oversee and coordinate with the shul regarding such matters. This would be only an ad hoc committee for now, not a permanent standing committee. Possible chairs and members were discussed.

4. Role of Education Committee: Rachel Green, Chair of the LM Education Committee, asked for input regarding her committee’s role in the Minyan and the shul, and what sort of educational programming it should foster. According to Rachel, TBA’s Program Director, Alicia Drozen, had talked to her about an Advanced Learning Program which the shul wants to develop. The LM Education Committee could assist with that program. Norm Saiger pointed out that years ago, the Minyan Monthly (in its printed, mailing days) included a column regarding “little tips” re davening (e.g. when and how to bow during amidah and why we do it, what it signifies, the finer points of ark opening, etc), and suggested that we can revive that column in the Minyan Monthly, with the Education Chair (Rachel) coordinating it and finding volunteers each month to write the columns. Alternatively, it was suggested that such teachings can be done verbally as an occasional drash series during Shabbat services. Jerry Krautman suggested that the Education Committee could launch a post-kiddush Torah discussion table. Carl Sunshine proposed that the Education Committee plan occasional weekday evening lectures/classes to be presented by well-versed Library Minyan members on a variety of Jewish topics. Susan Laemmle proposed a Jewish book club. R achel will review these ideas with her committee and with the TBA Program Director, to determine which ones can be initiated first.

5. Ideas for Drash Series: in a related matter, the Education Committee is interested in coordinating an intermittent series of Shabbat drashot on a particular topic, and asked for suggestions re topics. One topic idea is the “little davening tips” discussed above in part 3. Another is American holidays, our roles as Americans and Jews. Any further ideas would be very welcome.

6. Library Minyan Tribute Ads Policy. Following up on the discussion begun at the last Steering Committee Meeting. In the past, when a member of the Library Minyan is honored at banquet, gala, etc by a Jewish organization, the Library Minyan would buy a tribute ad in that organization’s event program, congratulating the member on behalf of the minyan. The most recent practice has been to buy the least expensive ad offered by the organization. At the last meeting, we discussed concerns about the expenditures incurred by this practice, and whether this is a proper use of Library Minyan funds (donor contributions), particularly if controversial organizations are involved. By unanimous vote of those present, the Steering Committee voted to change the policy. Henceforth, the Minyan will buy tribute ads only when a Minyan member is honored by an “in-shul” entity (i.e. Temple Beth Am, Pressman Academy). Nevertheless, when a Library Minyan member is honored by either an in-shul or out-of-shul Jewish organization, we should honor the person with an announcement in shul and offering an aliyah.

7. General Meeting of the Minyan- February 2. The Steering Committee discussed how to structure the upcoming General Meeting, and possible topics for discussion.

8. Purim Seudah. The Steering Committee approved using Library Minyan funds for expenses (food, etc) for the upcoming Purim Seudah, as in the past. Sandra Lepson will organize the event again. The theme this year will be a roast of Library Minyan member and Pressman Academy Head of School, Rabbi Mitch Malkus, who is departing our community this summer.

9. Membership Committee: Susan Laemmle reported that the committee held its first meeting, and is considering several initiatives including the open tent (ohel patuach) to help new members meet others, and inviting use of name tags once per month. More information will be forthcoming soon.

Financial Report

Donations: 7184
Expenses: 4500
Kiddush: 3125
Purim Seuda: 330
Shavuot picnic: 100
Malava Malka: 320
Tributes: 250
Luchot: 375
Ending balance: 6144

Donations: 5781
Expenses: 9100
Kiddush: 6515
Purim seudah: 510
Shavuot picnic: 435
Tributes: 1148
Luchot: 375
Ending Balance: 3614

Donations: 9188
Expenses: 7300
Kiddush: 4373.30
Tributes: 2550
Luchot: 300
Ending Balance: 6957

Donations: 4765
Expenses: 3500
Kiddush: 2380
Simchat Torah eve food: 300
Simchat Torah lunch: 180
Tributes: 286
Luchot: 240
Ending Balance: 5037

of Temple Beth Am