Library Minyan General Membership Meeting
Held at TBA’s Adelson Hall, July 31, 2005
Meeting began at 10:05 am – Ended at 12:00 pm
Meeting Chairperson: Norm Levin
Marizon Nimoy | Joseph Nimoy |
Miryam Glazer | Anthony Elman |
Dale Bodenstein | Mark Bodenstein |
Henry Morgen | Allen Weinstock |
Robert Mendelsohn | Stephanie Blastos |
Jules Kamin | Cathie Lippman |
Joan Glanz Rimmon | Annette Berman |
Robert Malina | Fran Malina |
Esther Lerner Brenner | Lida Baker |
Norm Levin | Morlie Levin |
Marizon Nimoy was voted by acclimation as the new Minyan Master. Motion was accepted unanimously.
Marizon Nimoy stated that she will continue what Norm Levin has started for the Library Minyan (LM):
To make the Library Minyan a more warm, welcoming, friendly place to be, to continue with the educational experience; learning and study; to make it a spiritual and social place for all.
- Continue the website with Bob Braun’s help, publishing the weekly D’vrei Torah and Parashat Ha’Shavuah
- Continue to recruit and follow-up with weekly Parashat Ha’Shavuah
- Continue with the Mishnah Study and invites Rabbis to lead the study
- Enhancing and assisting Adam Naftalin-Kelman and Michael Becker’s project with Shabbat lunches.
- Start a subcommittee for LM Greeters to help new member and visitors with the services
- Request for signage outside the Library Minyan
- Reaching out to single people
- Find ways to bring in younger people
- Continue the Minyan-sponsored Kiddush
- The Minyan will continue to sponsor monthly Kiddush with TBA for the entire year but we need more co-sponsors from the kahal for this to happen
- Explore a UJ Student Shabbat lunch at the beginning of the school year
- May need a Provider Relations Committee
Ritual Committee Report – Bob Malina
- Focusing on High Holidays. In the Fall there will be a another committee to take a broader look at rituals
- Neil Scheindlin will develop a Gabbai handbook
- Review the purpose of the Ritual Committee and ritual issues
- Explore some mentoring options
- When there are discretionary halachic options, the Minyan can take the individual views
- Suggestion to have the Gabbaim take a more active role in announcing the pages during the services for people who are new to the Minyan or not familiar to the Minyan services
- The Gabbaim need more training in the variety of services
- Add LM main contact info to the weekly list of TBA and/or put contact info out on the chairs periodically
- The Gabbaim should give aliyot to both new, and current and regular members
- There was a motion to buy luachs for all the gabbaim from the LM budget – motion was accepted unanimously.
- Monitor any changes that may impact the Library Minyan due to the Main Sanctuary’s Services change
- Volunteer: Miriyam Glazer would like to help anyone who would like to develop drash and learn more about Shabbat Services
- Lida Baker volunteered to be a Hebrew trope consultant
Treasurer’s Report – Dale Bodenstein
- Review of the financial matters. The LM has a beginning balance of $8017.33 on 1/1/05 and ending balance of $7695.35 on 7/29/05. Income from donation and interest were $1988.02 and expenses were $2310.00
- Alan Weinstock raised the issue of using some LM money to help the Youth Department out because they have to raise $10, 000. A motion was move and accepted unanimously to donate $1000.00 to the Youth Department
- The Minyan will continue to sponsor monthly Kiddush with TBA for the entire year but we need more co-sponsors from the kahal for this to happen
- We will develop a reminder card for pledges made during Simcha Torah with Dale Bodenstein name and address to send their donation
- We will add to the soon to be developed LM bulletin “Donation to the LM Kiddush Fund” notice
- Add LM to TBA donation envelopes
- Have LM main contact information in the TBA weekly bulletin
- Have LM section in the TBA monthly Kol Ha’Am. Editor volunteer was Esther Lerner Brenner. Esther will contact Lisa Shuman
- There is a pretty much completed LM contact list and this will be transferred to Marizon Nimoy
- Henry Morgen will help find someone to maintain the list
Minyan Master Report
- Norm Levin summarized all the accomplishments done during his 3 years as the Library Minyan Master
- It is important to keep up the engagement and welcome opportunities
- Nineteen volunteers are now involved in the Shabbat Services
- Fourteen people are now rotating on doing the Parashat Ha’Shavauh
- Maintain the growth of the LM website
- Three learning opportunities:
- Barbara Breger coordinates the Mishnah Study
- Paula Pearlman and Johanna Cooper coordinate the Drashot
- Norm Levin’s initiative – Parasha Ha’Shavuah
Submitted by Marizon Nimoy