February 12, 2018 Steering meeting

Steering Committee Minutes February 12, 2018

Compiled by Carl Sunshine

Members present were: Jerry and Jackie, Sandra, Allan, Diane, Norm, Carl, Anita, and Melissa. Bill was unable to attend

Ritual: Need to confirm locations for all Pesach services. Sandra will check notes and advise gabbaiim and Bob to update calendar. We think 7th day will be upstairs. This will be the last chag in the sanctuary; demolition is scheduled for May.

The seudah for Purim afternoon is being planned by Sandra. Approved budget of $500 for food, with equal amount to come from TBA.

Membership: Rabbi Rembaum offered to make suggestions for membership. Will meet for breakfast soon. Carl will announce the generation of a LM member list, to be sent via email, and invite anyone not signed up for web access to do so. Will invite photos to go with names.

Youth: planning for grad Shabbat(s) is underway, complicated by renovation effects.

Social: Potluck luncheon coming up on Feb 24. Signups in progress.

Financial: Report for 2017 was published in Minyan Monthly. We had a surplus. Norm recommended we approve a policy of donating a percentage of kiddush receipts to a hunger charity. Carl seconded and noted that idea had already been discussed during 2017. Policy adopted to give 3% of each year’s donations at end of the year. $500 allocated for 2017 to go to SOVA. Melissa will announce the policy in her next column. For the MM. Noted that kiddush donors are recognized in the Shabbat bulletin, and other donors are recognized on Kol Ha’am.

Kiddush: Carl provided a report on 2017 kiddush results, noting several big events which generated a surplus. The report is appended to these minutes. For 2018 we don’t expect such events, so we can avoid a surplus, and donating 3% to charity will also help. Carl noted we aim for few leftovers from cosponsored kiddushes. For big simcha kiddushes where more is left over, we should investigate places that accept leftovers.

Communication: Carl reminded everyone to notify Bob by email of any planned events or changes needed on the calendar or other web pages. Bob also sends emails when needed, which should be reviewed by Melissa or Carl first. Susan Laemmle will continue as the MM editor. There is no single place to coordinate with TBA calendars, but useful parties are Lia Mandelbaum (Programming), Judy Alban (bnei mitzvah), and Ronna (kiddush and simcha events). Carl is updating the summary info sheet placed in the hallway and on the web site. New chairs are invited to send their photo to Bob for posting.

Gabbai: We have a full complement of 8 gabbaiim. The two newest ones are receiving some training and coaching. Noted that two-person aliyot should be reserved for special occasions. Try to ensure that gabbai assignments are kept up to date on calendar. We discussed and affirmed the policy of announcing birthdays and anniversaries on first Shabbat of each month. But announce to limit it to those in the room.

Committee on space and renovation planning. We thank the committee that served last year, led by Sandra. Main policy negotiated is that after renovation of the main sanctuary starts in May, shul members wishing to have their bnei mitzvah in Dorff-Nelson Chapel may do so. If it is not a LM family, LM will be provided an alternate prayer space, to be determined as feasible. Kiddush locations will also be worked out based on numbers expected. The new committee to work on this includes Bill Seligman, Fran Grossman, Miriam Prum Hess, and Melissa Patack. Noted that ballroom, school building, Ionic Lodge, and Beit Haim Hadashim (on Pico and La Jolla, only meets biweekly) are options for other spaces.

Kol Tefilla Shabbaton in April. Melissa and Carl have exchanged email with Rabbi Chorny. They plan to hold hama’alot service early, so attendees can join one of the regular minyanim for musaf, then have a joint kiddush. Any afternoon programming is unknown at this time. LM will help host attendees who wish that. Melissa and Carl will continue to engage.

Microphone. We experimented with use of the tabletop microphone during January. Results were not good, with much rattling and booming noise, and little benefit to hearing. Shul is considering an IR hearing boost system for the renovated sanctuary, and this could be installed in Dorff-Nelson as well. A new microphone would also be needed, perhaps hanging from ceiling above the table.

Simcha coordinator. Fran has agreed to continue in this role. We will reach out to bnei mitzvah families far enough in advance to settle start time (9:30 preferred), kiddush plans (public or private), gabbai assigned, and make them aware of guidelines to inform their participants. We have two bnei mitzvah in June and one in August.


of Temple Beth Am