Membership Meeting 2011

Minutes from July 23 General Meeting

The meeting was directly after tefillot, thus we dispensed with a dvar Torah.

An estimated 100 members attended the meeting.

James Collins discussed Emergency procedures other than evacuation, such as shelter in place and lock down procedures.

Dale Bodenstein reported on our finances. We have less money than we did this time last year. The bulk of our money funds community kiddushim, and donations. The number of donations varies from year to year depending on how many and how often LM members are honored by other organizations. This year we have had new spending regarding the Potluck meals including fees to use the park for the Potluck Shavuot picnic. Members can donate directly to the minyan by sending Dale a check or by donating online with a credit card from the TBA website under Giving/Donate online. Donors MUST check off “Library Minyan” for us to benefit.

Norm Saiger announced upcoming Ritual Committee meeting and solicited input.


The bulk of the meeting was used to discuss governance. Abby Harris shared with the minyan how decisions are made, which groups she uses for advice, and her creation of an Executive Committee. The Exec Cte consists of the Minyan Master (Abby Harris), Ritual Chair (Norm Saiger), Gabbai Representative* (Bill Seligman), past Minyan Master (Bob Braun) and committed LM attendees who do not currently hold other positions of leadership** (David Weisman).

*The Gabbai’s rep is a recent innovation – a volunteer from among the gabbaim whose responsibility is to represent the gabbaim at LM Ritual Cte Meetings, General Meetings, and Exec Cte Meetings and to report back to the gabbaim.

** Ideally the Exec Cte would include more “Joe or Jane Minyans.”

The LM made bylaws many years ago, which were subsequently lost. There was discussion whether we would want to write new bylines. The consensus was that most people do not wish to recreate bylaws.

Although actual bylaws seem unnecessary and/or counterproductive to most people, there are areas where there are concerns. These primarily involve our future in a changing shul, and other structural and governance issues. Joel Grossman will chair a meeting where people will discuss these issues, and bring a recommendation for future action to our next Gen Mtg.

Specific issues discussed:

(1) a proposal to list the LM darshan on the TBA Shabbat bulletin (failed),

(2) a proposal to install assisted listening system in the Chapel (passed overwhelmingly),

(3) a proposal to allow videotaping for Shabbat was discussed briefly with no resolution,

(4) Full kriyah. It is a misconception that the LM does not allow full kriyah; it is an option, but not one which our Torah coordinators provide for. Generally, in a BM for example, if the family wishes to have a FK they must provide the readers. People interested in FK have been asked to create a task force to come up with ideas how to implement this, or any additional compromise, to present to the RIt Cte.

During our discussions the suggestion that we implement an online forum was made, in order to continue these types of discussions in a communal and transparent way.

of Temple Beth Am